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How To Survive A Break Up
A long time love, a momentary mistake or a part time partner, breaking up is hard to do. If there was a connection and it’s taken away it can be a very traumatic experience no matter how many times you’ve been in the situation before. How do you survive and move on from these painful emotions?Remember that it is [...]
How To Find Love In 2018
You’ve spent the last few weeks tagging along with friends to Christmas and New Year parties in the vain hope of looking for love. Friends have looked after you well with all of the invites and you have managed to enjoy most of the events but your desire for something or someone interesting to pop into your life has [...]
How to Cure Relationship Boredom
So you’re in a relationship and everything is going swimmingly. You just can’t get enough of each other physically and all you can focus on is the next time you’re going to be together. You’re emotionally in tune with each other, you know what each other want and how to make each other happy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if [...]
Signs He’s Interested In You
Have you ever wondered how to tell if a guy is interested in you? Some of us struggle to tell but others just have an instinct and can see it easily. In case you’re one of the one’s who struggle, we’ve put together a few of the more common signs that are sure fire signs that he’s interested [...]
Five Stages of Relationships
Relationships always seem to start with a burst of excitement or adrenaline. It’s a drug like experience that gets you hooked on someone. There’s a real danger that when this stage of a relationship starts to change, people mistake this shift and think their relationship is falling flat, lacking the initial excitement. The excitement has waned but the rewards [...]
Love Languages And Zodiac Signs
In this article we explore further into Zodiac Star Signs and specifically to find out if there is a link between your partner’s love language and their star sign. First let us take a look at the love languages before delving into any possible links to star signs.Gary Chapman has defined five love languages in order to help understand how people prefer [...]
Which Zodiac sign is the best lover?
Continuing on from our series on Zodiac sign partner traits, we’ve taken a peek into the bedroom antics of the different signs to give you a glimpse of what you can expect. Please note that we did not personally give each star sign a test run to verify our findings.Air LoversGemini lovers are like the bedroom gymnasts. The gymnastic Gemini are [...]
Air Sign Partner Traits – Can You Take To The Air?
Attracted to the warmth of the Fire, the quenching of the Water or the grandness of the Earth? If not, then let the Air signs consume you as we put their personality types to the test. Can you see your ideal match in the air?If you love being entertained by the enthusiasm of another person then you may [...]
Earth Sign Partner Traits – Can You Tread The Earth?
First there was the Fire and then the Water came flooding in. Let’s have a look now into the state of the Earth signs and put their personality types under the microscope. Will you find your ideal match walking the earth?Is generosity a key trait you’re looking for in your ideal match? If so, a person with the star [...]
Water Sign Partner Traits - Can you navigate the Water?
After the fire comes the flood. So naturally after looking at Fire signs last time, we’ll be taking a look into the Water signs to gain insight into their personality types. Will your ideal match be found in the water?If you want an ideas person then a person with the Cancer sign is usually a great choice. Not [...]