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Which Zodiac sign is the best lover?
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onContinuing on from our series on Zodiac sign partner traits, we’ve taken a peek into the bedroom antics of the different signs to give you a glimpse of what you can expect. Please note that we did not personally give each star sign a test run to verify our findings.
Air Lovers
Gemini lovers are like the bedroom gymnasts. The gymnastic Gemini are very adventurous in what they’re willing to try but they may lose focus whilst their doing their thing if you don’t keep their minds on the job at hand. Their positive nature may give them an edge but they may lack the skills to finish the routine properly. Be prepared to go along with their sense of adventure for the best sexperiences.
If you desire a lover who is in tune with what floats your boat, a Libra is right for you. Let them set the tone and make the moves and you’ll be in for a great time. Make sure you’re paying them enough attention though as their vanity needs to be stroked in order to see the moment through to completion.
An Aquarius will always make sure their partner has sexual satisfaction. They pride themselves on returning serve. Unlike a Gemini, they’ll have done their research and will know how to finish the move they have started. They’re very adventurous and daring in the bedroom and might surprise you with their specific fetishes. You may experience that their more in their own world though rather than feeling like you’ve just shared a moment.
Earth Lovers
Intensity! That’s the bedroom trait of a Taurus. They have a love for sex and do their utmost to make it enjoyable for both of you. They love a slow built up intense passion to really bring out their A game. But if you want them to try something new, try letting them come up with the idea. They’re more likely to be agreeable if it comes from their mouth first.
Virgos are not as spontaneous as other star signs. If you’re looking to take an opportunity that has arisen, you’ll need to give them time to prepare themselves. On the flip side, when they finally do come to the party, you will be very happy with the results. They’re perfectionists and won’t try anything unless they’re sure they know how to do it right. So you know if they start something, it’s going to have a big finish.
A Capricorn, it is said, are quite conservative in the bedroom compared to all the other star signs. Capricorns are naturally a little bit reserved at first and they may take a while to warm up in the sex stakes. Once they have let go of their reservations, they are often more playful than serious in bed. Although they may make a loyal partner, setting the bedroom alight is another matter. That is unless you challenge their sense of competitiveness, then you will ignite their desire.
Fire Lovers
The adventurous Aries are bound to keep you entertained with variety and spontaneity. They’ll go through every move known to them, and some they don’t yet know, to find exactly what it is that pleases you most. Their main down side is that they won’t like the experience if you’re always tired and not willing to put in the required effort. You have to move with their beat!
If you’ve ever been in bed with a Leo, you will know that they’re only as good as the praise you give them along the way. If there’s no affirmation, there’s less likely to be much excitement. Their skills come with a passcode. If you know their passcode, you will be let in on their best shows and their best shows are worth experiencing. Make sure your windows are closed as they love being the center of attention and this may include porn star sound effects.
Excitement, playfulness and experiments are all part of a Sagittarius traits in the sack. Set them a challenge and they’ll rise to it. If they’re joking about trying something new, it’s probably just to test your reaction to see if you are up for it. Be careful though, they may let you know if you’re not up to scratch in their minds.
Water Lovers
Sensuality is the sign of a Cancer star sign lover. They have the desire to do what pleases their partner. They take pleasure in being aroused by what turns you on. They love feeling close to you so you may get literally wrapped up in the moment. It is best if your relationship has emotional peace otherwise they may not be feeling the love and it will affect the performance.
Scorpios have a reputation to uphold. They are thought to be the best act in the whole zodiac show. They combine their passion and desire to pleasure both you and themselves to get the most out of what they put in. Be warned not to try and dominate a Scorpio lover as their ego won’t like it. They need to be in control and have no time for a lazy lay.
Pisces are the artists of the bedroom. Sex is their way of expressing themselves and they treat sex as an art form. They are able to physically demonstrate their emotional feelings for their lover better than any other star sign. Not necessarily as adventurous as an Aries, they prefer to make love rather than set off the sparkly firework show.
So there you have it. Each zodiac signs sexual traits have been laid out in front of you. Which will you go for? Will it be the Gymnastic Gemini, the Adventurous Aries or the ‘Best In Show’ Scorpio?

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